Payment of Fines
Online Payment: Go to online payment for fines
Travel Rules: Check the travel rules
If you're looking for information on the processing of user data for those penalized, you can find it here.
Tper Inspector's Document
Below is the full text of the document handed to the Tper inspector, which includes:
Point 1 – Violations of Tariff Regulations
- Report: Verification of the violation of Article 40 of L.R. Emilia Romagna n. 30/1998 and subsequent amendments (for adult passengers).
- Payment Receipt: Amounts for the violation (if paid immediately to the inspector by an adult passenger).
- Reminder: For the legal guardian, regarding a violation committed by a minor passenger.
Point 2 – Violations of Tper Travel Regulations
Report: Verification of violations of the Tper Regulation (for adult passengers).
- Payment Receipt: Amounts for violations of the Tper Regulation (if paid immediately to the inspector).
- Reminder: For the legal guardian, regarding violations committed by a minor passenger.
- Regulatory References: L. 3/2003 Art. 51, D.P.R. 753/1980, L.R. Emilia Romagna n. 30/1998 and subsequent amendments.
Amounts and Payment Methods
A – Fine Amount
A.1 – Adult Passenger
The fine can be paid:
- Within 5 days from the date of the report: minimum amount (plus the fare evaded).
- Within 60 days from the date of the report: reduced amount (plus the fare evaded).
A.2 – Minor Passenger
The fine can be paid:
- Within 5 days from the date of notification: minimum amount + notification fees + evaded fare.
- Within 60 days from the date of notification: reduced amount + notification fees + evaded fare.
Note: notification fees can be avoided by paying within 5 days (minimum amount) or 15 days (reduced amount) from the reminder.
A.3 – After the deadlines indicated without paying the reduced amount, a payment order will be issued for the maximum amount provided by law (plus notification fees).
The amounts are listed in the Tper Service Charter.
B – Payment Methods
B.1 – At Post Offices
Present the administrative fine received, which contains the relevant payment codes.
B.2 – At Tper points
Consult the full list of addresses and opening hours on the website
B.3 – Other Payment Methods
You can pay by credit card on the Tper website or via home banking services. More information is available on the dedicated page.
C – Forgotten Personal Subscription
If the passenger has forgotten a valid subscription and presents an ID card, the fine will be reduced according to L.R. Emilia Romagna n. 30 and subsequent amendments. The subscription can be shown at a Tper point within 5 working days.
- Adult Passenger: The fine can be paid directly to the inspector or, within 60 days from the verification, by the methods indicated in Point B.
- Minor Passenger: The payment can only be made by an adult delegated by the legal guardian, within 15 days from the reminder to avoid notification fees or within 60 days from the notification.
D – Defensive Writings
According to Article 18 of Law 689/81 and Article 15 of L.R. Emilia Romagna 21/84, interested parties can submit defensive writings to Tper S.p.A. within:
- 30 days from the date of the report (adult passenger).
- 30 days from the notification date (legal guardian of the minor passenger).
Defensive writings do not suspend payment deadlines.
E – Use of the Report to End the Trip
The report can replace a valid travel ticket in the following areas:
- Urban Area of Bologna, Imola, or Ferrara.
- Travel to zones corresponding to the ongoing route.